New Client Forms


For example 1st January 1980 should be input as 01/01/1980
Which phone is your preferred method of contact?
Please include the area code for home and work phone numbers.

What type of therapy (or therapies) would you prefer?

What level of care would you prefer?

Would you like a reminder before an appointment?

Main health problem/ complaint

please describe

Health History

General health

Do you smoke?

How much of the following would you have a week?

Do you experience any of the following? If so, please state what tends to make it worse, or when you tend to get it.

For women

Are you pregnant?
Is the pain
What other symptoms do you get?

Do you experience any other health problems?

Cancellation Policy:
If you are unable to make your appointment, please advise us as early as possible. Our policy is that

  • No Show fees are charged at full price
  • For appointments cancelled with less than 24 hrs notice a fee of $50 will be charged for all reasons of cancelling, including emergencies, sickness, etc.
  • Please note that not receiving a SMS or an email reminder will NOT be accepted as a reason for missing an appointment, so please ensure you diarise your appointment
Please confirm this form has successfully submitted before exiting the page. If the form did not submit there may be errors in the form indicated in red. Sending
Make an online booking here:
Book Now


Valued at $120, your Assessment will help to uncover:

  • What is going on with your body
  • What is working properly and what is not working properly
  • What is causing the problem, and
  • The best way to get it sorted out

All this will be fully explained to you, and you can ask as many questions as you like. That way we can be sure to give you all of the right information, understanding and advice you need. Terms and conditions: This is a free, no obligation offer.


62 Looranah St,
Jindalee QLD 4074
07 3376 6911


Winner Mt Ommaney Small Business Award (Healthcare) 2024
Mt Ommaney Small Business Community Spirit Award 2021
Mt Ommaney Small Business Award (Health & Fitness) 2018 & 2020
Winner Business Achievers Award 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011 & 2012
LPA Outstanding High Achievement Award 2011
Inducted into Business Achievers Hall of Fame 2009


We help provide care and accommodation to young disabled people through regular support of YoungCare (by donating the proceeds of our Gift Voucher sales)

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