Hannah was steeped in the knowledge, skills and understanding of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine from an early age. She then received training for 8 years from many renowned acupuncture and Chinese medicine therapists, before completing her formal acupuncture degree. While she was studying, she also trained as an apprentice at an acupuncture clinic, and after she graduated she returned to China for a year for further study with very reputable teachers. In 2024 she also observed and volunteered in the Nanjing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Her training has covered many aspects of Chinese medicine. As well as acupuncture, she is trained cupping therapist, GuaSha therapist, and is currently completing her training to become a registered Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioner.
Hannah has a special interest in the treatment of
She has received additional training in pediatric treatments (using acupuncture or acupressure), and loves treating children.
Hannah has a very dedicated, caring nature, and she practices meditation every day to help balance herself physically and mentally.
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