Many of us struggle from one day to the next, feeling tired, flat and drained. That is not how our lives should be! Life is so much better when you feel healthy, energised and vital. A proper detox may help
We clean our teeth and wash the outside of our body every day. What about the inside, do we need to give that a clean as well? Virtually everything in life needs maintenance at some point, and it is very likely that the inside of your body is in need of a good clean.
It is estimated that the average woman uses 126 chemicals before she leaves her house every day. There are pesticides and preservatives in our food, chlorine and other chemicals in our drinking water, aluminium in deodorants, mercury in eyeliners and mascaras, etc. Some of the common sources of strong toxins in our homes include many cleaning products, sprays for cockroaches and other insects, formaldehyde in carpets, scotch guard on furniture, and fire retardants in clothing and upholstery. Toxic chemicals will remain in clothes after they have been to the drycleaners, we breathe in petrol fumes when we fill our car up, and any medications will leave a chemical residue in the body. So we continuously pollute our bodies without being aware of it.
Some of the more common symptoms associated with these toxins include fatigue, depression, poor concentration, headaches, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, allergies, food intolerances, and thyroid problems. (Next time you go to the supermarket, look around and see how few people look vibrant and healthy.)
The amount of chemicals we are exposed to is quite surprising- there are 3,000 chemicals intentionally added to food supplies. Around 70,000 chemicals are used in the US, and 65,000 of them have been classified hazardous or potentially hazardous. And over 6,000 new chemicals are tested each week. The human body was never designed to deal with these chemicals, so over time they may accumulate in your body, and start to impact on your health.
However, a detox should always be done under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional. Removing toxins from the body can cause side effects such as headaches, nausea, diarrhoea, or skin problems if not done correctly.
Our ‘Revive Your Life’ Detox Plan is a professional detoxification program, designed to improve your health and vitality in a safe and effective manner. There are four important steps in this Plan,
Your two week Plan includes the following testing, information, support and guidance.
During your consultations with our naturopath, she will
All of this would normally be valued at $557, however we are currently offering this comprehensive detox program to improve your health and vitality for only $367, a saving of $190 (34% off).
Terms and Conditions
So if your health is important to you, if you would like to feel healthy and energised, or if you would like to help prevent health problems developing as you age, please ring our friendly reception staff soon and let them know you are interested in our ‘Revive Your Life’ Detox Plan.
Valued at $120, your Assessment will help to uncover:
All this will be fully explained to you, and you can ask as many questions as you like. That way we can be sure to give you all of the right information, understanding and advice you need. Terms and conditions: This is a free, no obligation offer.