One of the most amazing aspects of the human body is its ability to heal itself. There are 30-40 trillion cells in the human body, and every second that we’re alive, these cells are working tirelessly to keep us at, or even bring us back to, a state of good health. When our bodies are injured or become ill, our cells can be damaged or destroyed, sometimes in large quantities. However, these cells have the ability to heal or replace themselves, to keep our body functioning at its optimal level.
There are plenty of examples of how the body repairs itself, including the liver regenerating. the intestines replacing their worn lining, bones knitting back together, lungs repairing themselves after someone stops smoking, and many more. But probably the simplest example of cell repair is when you cut or damage your skin. Blood vessels at the site clamp down to slow the bleeding, while blood platelets begin clumping together to form a clot to stop the bleeding. Once the clot is in place, blood vessels reopen a bit to allow the necessary amount of oxygen back into the wound for healing.
Next, white blood cells begin digesting dead cells in order to make room for new cells to form. They also fight infection and oversee the repair process. In the rebuilding process, oxygen-rich blood cells arrive to build new tissue by creating collagen (you usually see the result of this process as a scar that starts out red and dulls over time). Over time, the new tissue gets stronger until the process is completed.
While the body’s ability to heal itself is truly impressive, there are a number of factors that can restrict this process.
General Health
Key Nutrients
Inflammation is not always a bad thing. In fact, when the immune system is working effectively, inflammation plays an important role in healing. When a body is damaged, inflammation is fundamental to several stages in the healing process, including clearing out the dead cells in the area.
However, if the inflammation doesn’t settle down properly it can actually cause more damage to the area. (If an old injury still looks slightly red or is still a little tender when you press any part of it firmly, it is highly likely there is still inflammation there, stopping it repairing fully.)
Blood Flow
Even if you have fantastic levels of all the important nutrients, the damaged area your body won’t heal properly if the nutrients can’t get there. Poor blood flow in the area will result in low levels of nutrients, low levels of oxygen, and high levels of wastes, prolonging pain and inflammation, and possibly causing increased scarring.
A healthy body fights infection, heals wounds, kills cancer cells, repairs damage, and fights the aging process. So a healthy diet, appropriate exercise, and plenty of sleep are all helpful.
Acupuncture is often great to free up the liver, improve the blood flow in the area, reduce inflammation and stimulate the repair processes. (We find that a combination of acupuncture and naturopathic treatment usually works much better than either one on its own.)
Our bodies are in a constant state of removing damage and producing new, healthy tissue. Daily wear and tear are also promptly dealt with, so even ‘age-related’ and degenerative problems such as arthritis can be improved with the proper treatment.
If there is a problem in your body that is not going away, we suggest booking in for a Comprehensive Assessment at our clinic. We can then have an in-depth look at what is happening in your body, what is causing the problem, and what can be done to sort it out. (Terms and conditions- the Assessment is a completely free service, with no obligations whatsoever.) Most people find their assessment to be a very helpful, interesting and informative session.
Valued at $120, your Assessment will help to uncover:
All this will be fully explained to you, and you can ask as many questions as you like. That way we can be sure to give you all of the right information, understanding and advice you need. Terms and conditions: This is a free, no obligation offer.